Sunday, March 29, 2015

Saturday Night Genealogy Fun-Newspaper Headline on My Father's Birthday

For this week's mission (should you decide to accept it), I challenge you to:

1)  What was your father's birth date?

2)  Find a newspaper from his hometown, or a nearby larger town or city, that was published on that date.  What was the major headline on page 1 of that issue of the newspaper?

3)  Share your headline with us in your own blog post, in a comment on this blog post, or in a Facebook or Google+ post.

Here is my answer to the challenge.

 My father's birth date was 28 July 1922, in Hazleton, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania.

I searched Chronicling America ( and found the Philadelphia paper, Evening Public Ledger, There are two major headlines and both about strikes. "President Proposes Three Plans to End Rail Strike" and "Harding Would Curb Dictation by Mine Unions". So it seems that there was a Railroad and Coal Miner strike going on at that time.

So I looked further with Hazleton being a keyword and found, The Topeka State Journal. They had two headlines about both strikes, "THREE WAYS TO END THE TIE-UP" and "MINERS TO TALK". 

What was even more interesting was in the eighth column was that Hazleton had its own dateline titled, "Pennsylvania Ready to Settle."

I guess these headlines were fitting for the day of my father's birth as his father was the last in his line to work in the coal mines and when he left the mines he became a delivery truck driver. My father was a driver in Public Transportation for most of his adult life.

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